Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Season 4: “Privacy”

10 April 2010 -- Season 4: “Privacy”

Advertising is only meaningful if it’s pitching something you’re interested in. But advertisers can’t know what you’re interested in without learning something about you. That means information gathering- and that touches on the sticky issue of privacy. This week Terry explains why your personal information is so important to marketers, and how the new generation of consumers is more willing to surrender personal information than their parents. He’ll also take you on a tour down a data mine, to show how savvy marketers use customer information to improve customer service- and their bottom line.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Season 4: “Odballs: Singular Campaigns”

5 April 2010 -- Season 4: “Odballs: Singular Campaigns”

Just as there are oddballs in sports, the arts, and certainly in politics- there is no shortage of oddball campaigns in advertising. This week, Terry explains why oddball campaigns are so important to his trade. Not all rank among the all-time greats; not all scoop major awards. What they do was change the way people think about ads. Terry will tell the story of the controversial Benneton campaign of the 80’s and 90’s, and pay tribute to an ad giant who change the way the world thinks… about prunes.