Monday, July 26, 2010

Season 4: "Looking For the Admen in Madmen"

21 June 2010 -- Season 4: "Looking For the Admen in Madmen"

The Emmy-winning TV series "Mad Men" is all the rage right now. The writing is remarkable, the Madison Avenue characters riveting, and it has been praised as being true to the early 60s period it depicts. As with any show that begins to work its way into pop culture, it is slowly becoming regarded as an accurate record of the advertising business.

But is it?

Join Terry O'Reilly this week as he analyzes the show, compares it to the real advertising world he works in daily, and searches for the Admen in Mad Men.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Season 4: "Ask Terry Some More"

June 11, 2010 -- Season 4: "Ask Terry Some More"

Why do commercials seem to play louder than the programs they sponsor? Why do advertisers seem so obsessed with younger consumers? Why do so many ads portray husbands and fathers as idiots? Terry O'Reilly dips into the 'ol Age of Persuasion mailbag and tackles the question's he's asked the most. He'll explain how advertising changed after 9/11, and offer up his candidate for the worst ad on the air.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Season 4: "More Remarkable Brands"

14 June 2010 -- Season 4: "More Remarkable Brands"

Brands aren't just products on shelves. Brands are people, and places, and events, and moments in time: anything that leaves a distinct emotional impression. This week, Terry checks under the hood of a handful of fascinating brands, to see what makes them tick. One is the only 'A' list celebrity to survive the entire television age. One is an unforgettable era. Another is a cultural icon. And one may be the world's most spectacular piece of real estate. Terry explains the magic of these mighty brands, and what makes them unforgettable.