Friday, March 20, 2009

Sun Tzu and the Art of... Persuasion

March 16, 2009 -- Sun Tzu and the Art of... Persuasion --

What does modern advertising and marketing have to do with a 25 hundred-year-old military theorist? Terry O’Reilly is so glad you asked. This week he examines the ancient bamboo scrolls of Sun Tzu- author of The Art of War, and shows how modern marketers- including an upstart vodka and a revolutionary hair colouring brand- have gleaned valuable lessons from Sun Tzu’s writings.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Repetition Repetition Repetition

March 9, 2009 -- Repetition Repetition Repetition

Is advertising advertising advertising all about repetition repetition repetition? This week, Terry O’Reilly examines the role ‘frequency’ plays in ad messages. He’ll explain how many times you are meant to see or hear an ad in a given week, and why some campaigns seem to bombard you more than others. He’ll also explain how the creative content is what helps some ads run successfully for years, and causes others to wear out their welcome almost immediately.

Great Canadian Campaigns

March 7, 2009 -- Great Canadian Campaigns

There’s no “Made in Canada” label on ad campaigns: but Terry O’Reilly often wishes there were. This week he proudly tells the story of some Made-in-Canada success stories. They’re ad campaigns with maple syrup in their veins; how an idea resurrected from a wastebasket put one retail chain on the map; how a campaign that ran on TV just six times is still talked about, nearly four decades later. And how a three-word ad phrase brought a nation to its feet.