Sunday, May 24, 2009

Entertainment or Nothing

May 25, 2009 -- Entertainment or Nothing

It’s no secret that entertaining messages attract audiences. But today, as advertisers, government agencies, business and educators are learning- entertainment is fast becoming the only way to reach an audience. Terry O’Reilly explains how all kinds of modern messages are being wrapped in entertainment, or are tied to engaging ideas. He’ll explain how that is driving some unlikely players- including the Pope, the Queen, major corporations and government ministries, to such entertainment-skewed media as YouTube.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Marketing the Invisible

May 11, 2009 -- Marketing the Invisible

It’s easy to understand a product when it has a snappy label, fits in your shopping cart, and stores tidily on a shelf at home. But how can you get excited about a brand that’s invisible? How do marketers tweak your interest in something you don’t see or touch? Brands such as insurance and services and, say, a Pentium chip pose some interesting problems in the ad world. This week Terry O’Reilly shows how marketers make the intangible… tangible.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Myths of Persuasion

May 4, 2009 -- “The Myths of Persuasion”

In a society whose only real knowledge of the ad business ranges from Darren Stephens in Bewitched to Don Draper in Mad Men, a few misconceptions are bound to crop up. This week, Terry O’Reilly tackles some common myths surrounding the ad business, including the Myth that advertising steers behaviours and trends, the myth that any publicity is good publicity, and the myth that advertising is about spontaneous ideas.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Real Deal: Authenticity

April 25 -- “The Real Deal: Authenticity”

The secret to Tiger Woods’ success as a golfer is that he can make a golf ball soar, spin, curve- heck, he can make it deal cards if he wants to. But what’s the secret to Tiger Woods as a brand? It’s authenticity. This week Terry O’Reilly explains the importance of a brand living up to its promise- of actually being everything it says it is. Terry will even summon the courage to tell of his riveting childhood disillusionment after ordering a family of Sea Monkeys from a comic book.